Florenta Teodoridis
Economics of Innovation Lab
Research Assistants
- Fehder, D., Teodoridis, F., Raffiee, J., Lu, J. “The Partisanship of American Inventors," Research Policy, forthcoming; SSRN working paper #4584498
- Dushnitsky, G., Eggers, J. P., Franzoni, C., Teodoridis, F. 2023.“Randomization as a Tool for Organizational Decision Making: A Debatable or Debilitating Proposition?”, Industry and Innovation, forthcoming.
- Raffiee, J., Teodoridis, F., Fehder, D. “Partisan Patent Examiners? Exploring the Link Between the Political Ideology of Patent Examiners and Patent Office Outcomes”, Research Policy 52(9).
- Goldfarb, A., Taska, B., Teodoridis, F. 2022. “Could Machine Learning be a General Purpose Technology? A Comparison of Emerging Technologies Using Data from Online Job Postings”, Research Policy, forthcoming and NBER working paper #29767.
- Raffiee, J., Fehder, D., Teodoridis, F. 2022. “Revealing the Revealed Preferences of Public Firm CEOs and Top Executives: A New Database from Credit Card Spending and an Application to Firm Innovation”, Strategic Management Journal.
- Vakili, K., Teodoridis, F., Bikard, M. 2021. “Detrimental Collaborations in Creative Work: Evidence from Economics”, Organization Science, articles in advance: 1-25.
- Furman, J., Teodoridis, F. 2020. “Machine Learning Could Improve Innovation Policy”, Nature Machine Intelligence, Correspondence Article, 2: 84.
- Furman, J., Teodoridis, F. 2020. “Automation, Research Technology and Researchers’ Trajectories: Evidence from Computer Science and Electrical Engineering”, Organization Science, 31(2): 330-354.
- Nagle, F., Teodoridis, F. 2019. “Jack of All Trades and Master of Knowledge: The Role of Diversity in New Distant Knowledge Integration”, Strategic Management Journal, 41: 55-85.
- Teodoridis, F, Bikard, M., Vakili, K. 2019. “Creativity at the Knowledge Frontier: The Impact of Specialization in Fast- and Slow-paced Domains”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 64(4): 894-927.
- Bikard, M., Vakili, K, Teodoridis, F. 2018. “When Collaboration Bridges Institutions: The Impact of Industry Collaboration on Academic Productivity”, Organization Science, 30(2):426-445.
- Teodoridis, F. 2018. “Understanding Team Knowledge Production: The Interrelated Roles of Technology and Expertise”, Management Science, 64(8): 3625-3648.
- Agrawal, A, Goldfarb, A., Teodoridis, F. 2016. “Understanding the Changing Structure of Scientific Inquiry”, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 8(1): 100-128.
- Goldfarb, A., Taska, B. Teodoridis, F. 2020. “Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare? Evidence from Online Job Postings”, AEA Papers and Proceedings, 110 (5): 400-404.
- Nagle, F., Teodoridis, F. 2019. “Jack of All Trades and Master of Knowledge: The Role of Diversity in Knowledge Integration”, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, online publication.
- Teodoridis, F., Bikard, M., Vakili, K. 2017. “The Pace of Change and Creative Performance: Specialist and Generalist Mathematicians and the Fall of the Soviet Union”, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, online publication.
- Goldfarb, A., Teodoridis, F. 2022. “Why is AI Adoption in Healthcare Lagging?”, Brookings series “The Economics and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies.”
- Teodoridis, F. 2021. “Don’t Underestimate the Role of Generalists in Innovation”, Fortune.
- Nagle, F., Teodoridis, F. 2020. “In R&D, Generalists Are More Valuable Than You Think”, Harvard Business Review.
- Teodoridis, F., Bikard, M., Vakili, K. 2018. “When Generalists Are Better Than Specialists, and Vice Versa”, Harvard Business Review.
- Teodoridis, F., Lu, J., Furman, J. “Mapping the Knowledge Space: Exploiting Unassisted Machine Learning Tools", NBER working paper #30603
- Barbosu, S., Teodoridis, F. “The Role of Technology in Research and Innovation: A Taxonomy of Implications", SSRN working paper #4371451